eBay Pick – Mk3 Ford Escort Genesis G3 Rally / Rallycross Car
May 17, 2023
Here’s one you don’t see very often, a Mk3 Ford Escort Genesis G3!
This particular car comes with a pretty impressive 2.4 NA, all steel, YB Cosworth engine, just remapped by Sandy Brown, group 4, AP breaks, billstein suspension, fully floating atlas axel, list of new parts just fitted; high talk starter, air filter, AP twin plate clutch, steel flywheel, track sport gearbox, prop shaft, ZF LSD, heavy duty drive shafts, heater front screen, cam belt. Comes with new set of perspex windows and a good spare package. It comes with everything needed to put this back to a rally car, only done 1 rally cross, may sell rolling shell separate from engine and gear box. Possible PX.
Listed on eBay here >> https://ebay.us/9Tf4ph
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