MK2 Ford Escort Zakspeed Replica with ST170 Engine

MK2 Ford Escort Zakspeed Replica with ST170 Engine

A left hand drive Ford Escort MK ll 1300L which has been built into a replica of the Zakspeed track racing car from DRM (as they were called back then!)
Receipts and full documentation is available for all works carried out.
Good solid chassis
Ford Focus 2.0 l St170 engine
Zetec RWD Wet Sump
5 speed manual Ford Sierra 88 gearbox
McPherson front suspension
Volvo 240 struts with coilovers
Four-link with coilovers
Ventilated discs from Volvo XC90
Rear brakes from Volvo 240
Mechanical and hydraulic handbrake
Fuel cell and battery in the boot.
Snap off Sparco steering wheel
Sparco four-point seat belts
Roll cage from Finess (well known/respected in sweden)
Plastic windows
Sparco racing seats
18″ Golden Super DTM rims

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