MK1 Ford Capri Pre Production RS3100

This is a car that I had the priviledge of owning a few years ago, and reluctantly sold to an old friend, who was building a significant classic collection..

As often happens with collections, he’s decided to concentrate on other marques, so this special Capri has now come onto the open market for the first time in 40 odd years . I’ve have known this car for nearly 30 years .. when it was discovered in a lockup in Ilford, where it had resided for some years previously . It was in remarkeably good order. It was found, along with a MK1 RS 2000 by Gary White, who owned Suprmeme Motor Bodies in Wickford, who set about completely restoring the car to its current glory .

Gary always insisted that this car was one of the pre production RS 3.1 cars, based on a GXL. A fantastic car and very rare in Olympic Blue. Fitted with a factory sunroof, and did originally have a vinyl roof .Gary restored it with a few modern upgrades,namely a 5 speed gearbox and Recaro Leather seats . This is by far the finest Capri I’ve ever had the priviledge to sell.. and we’ve had plenty.

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