1979 MK2 Ford Escort 1600 Sport
Fancy something to keep you busy on the long winter nights ahead? How about this 1979 MK2 Ford Escort 1600 Sport!?
“So, lets get into the nitty gritty of this car now ☺ Don’t know why I’m smiling. Serious work to be done here. The worst area, as you have probably already spotted, is the lower bulkhead which is nothing short of a real mess and will need a new panel. All that area along with the tunnel & footwells will need to be re-worked with new panels. At the same time the inner & outer sills will need replacement although the area is much more sound on the driver’s side – the usual thing where the nearside gets all the sh*t. The chassis rails don’t look too bad at all.”
More info & images on eBay >> https://bit.ly/48SICFf

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