Blog: We Need To Talk About The Arrows Escort RS Cosworth!
Many Ford fans may not actually be aware that Brooklyn Ford, who sponsored the Arrows F1 Team back in the day, created a special run of 25 ‘Arrows F1’ Escort RS Cosworths…
We were vaguely aware of these ourselves back when they were made but in the fulness of time had pretty much forgot they were a thing until we actually featured one that came up for sale a couple of years back, still sporting its blue and red graphics. Now, what we did not know was some of the period ‘merch’ that came with the cars when new!
The job lot of Autocar Magazines we obtained a while back just keeps an giving. Whenever I get a sec I’ll select one at random (from literally thousands!) and have a look to see what goodies it might contain. Yesterday I picked an issue published on 26th July 1995 and just a few pages in I found this little gem; a little news piece giving details about this special edition Escort Cosworth…
For me, the best bit was that it says each car came with its own set of Sergio Tacchini sportswear! How did that work!? Do you reckon you gave them your cloths size when you ordered? More importantly, I wonder if any of these still survive… answers on a postcard!

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