Ford Escort RS Turbo S2

With just one former registered keeper on the V5, G69 TTM was in the second owners care since 1992.

Intended to be his Forever Car and treated as such, the recent loss of his storage space means he was left with no choice but to pass it on to a local garage.And having seen the car we can understand the heartache the sale must have caused because who wouldnt want to hang onto a Ford Escort RS Turbo like this after having cherished it for more than three decades?As a mechanic, he kept on top of the servicing and maintenance himself and never drove it in the rain. In fact, the day he sold it to the vendors was wet and he refused pointblank to drive it there because of the weather. Fastidious? Oh yes but then hes exactly the sort of chap whose name you want to see on the V5 when youre thinking of buying a car like this.

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