1989 Ford Sierra RS Cosworth Rolling Shell
Fancy a project? This 1989 Ford Sierra RS Cosworth Rolling Shell is available as is, or with parts to build…
The car can be bought as a rolling shell, missing engine, box, prop, diff and original interior. All parts on the rolling shell, except the current interior are the original cosworth 2wd items. This is option one in the package list of options after the pictures of the rolling shell – also the classified advert price.
Or it can come with a used engine – that has been stripped and inspected by us – all parts are good and is entirely complete – ready to be reassembled with new gaskets etc. It can come with a used gearbox and a used diff – this is option 2 in the above package picture. The shell itself is discounted when buying this as a package.
Or it can come with a fully rebuilt, no expense spared complete 2wd yb engine, like the one in our other listings and the pictures after the used engine. It can also come with a fully rebuilt t5 gearbox, with vapour blasted cases and new zinc bolts. This package option 3 includes other missing parts and a used 2wd diff.
More images & info on eBay here >> https://bit.ly/3Kp3UPJ
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